The AR.Drone remote-control quadricopter is a groundbreaking device combining the best of many worlds, including modeling, video gaming, and augmented reality. The AR.Drone is remote-controlled by an iPhone and features a number of sensors, including a front camera, vertical camera, and an ultrasound altimeter. The AR.Drone can also be used in video games, such as AR.FlyingAce, a dogfight between two AR.Drones.
The First Quadricopter Controlled by iPhone/iPod touch/iPad
Control with Your Apple Device
Thanks to its on-board Wi-Fi system, you can control the Parrot AR.Drone using an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad.
The Parrot AR.Drone
The AR.Drone is the first quadricopter that can be controlled by an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad.
High-technology Sensors Offer Simple Piloting
A mix of captors, wide-angle camera, high-speed camera and MEMS (micro electro mechanical systems), accelerometer, gyro sensors, and ultrasound sensor combine with a powerful on-board computer to make piloting the AR.Drone easy. Simply use your iPhone or iPod touch, and just tilt and touch to control the AR.Drone.
Connect and See
The Parrot AR.Drone generates its own Wi-Fi network to which you connect your iPod touch or iPhone to control. The front camera view is streamed to your piloting device display.
More details Parrot AR.Drone Quadricopter Controlled by iPhone/iPod touch/iPad
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